Katherine JeanChou, MD, MS

Department: Emergency Medicine



Dr. Chou is an Associate Director of the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, where she is the Coordinator of Resident Education in the Jacobi Pediatric Emergency Department. Dr. Chou is board-certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and she is an Associate Professor of both Pediatrics and  Emergency Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Education & Training

Undergraduate School:
The Johns Hopkins University

Medical School:
UMDNJ-Rutgers Medical School


  • Internship and Residency: New York Hospital, Cornell University
  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship: Bronx Municipal Hospital Center (now Jacobi Medical Center)

Honors & Awards

  • Inducted into the Leo M. Davidoff Society of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine for outstanding achievement in the teaching of medical students, 2018


Original Publications

  • Chou KJ, Cunningham SJ, Crain EF.  Metered dose inhalers with spacers vs nebulizers for pediatric asthma.  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 149:201-205, 1995.
  • Suecoff SA, Avner JR, Chou KJ, Crain EF.  A comparison of New York City playground hazards in high- and low-income areas.  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 153:363-366, 1999.
  • Chou KJ, Fisher JL.  Characteristics and outcome of children with carbon monoxide poisoning with and without smoke exposure referred for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  Pediatric Emergency Care 16:151-155, 2000.
  • Delgado A, Chou KJ, Silver SJ, Crain EF.  Nebulizers vs metered-dose inhalers with spacers for bronchodilator therapy to treat wheezing in children aged 2 to 24 months in a pediatric emergency department.  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 157:76-80, 2003.
  • Tsung JW, Chou KJ, Martinez, C, Tyrrell J, Touger M.  An adolescent scuba diver with 2 episodes of diving-related injuries requiring hyperbaric oxygen recompression therapy:  a case report with medical considerations for child and adolescent scuba divers.  Pediatric Emergency Care 21:681-686, 2005.
  • Kotzampaltiris PV, Chou KJ, Wall SP, Crain EF.  The cranial rhythmic impulse and excessive crying of infancy.  Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15:341-345, 2009.
  • Touger M, Birnbaum A, Wang J, Chou K, Pearson D, Bijur P.  Performance of the RAD-57 pulse co-oximeter compared with standard laboratory carboxyhemoglobin measurement.  Annals of Emergency Medicine 56:382-388, 2010.   
  • Owen RP, Chou KJ, Silver CE, Beilin Y, Tang JJ, Yanagisawa R, Rinaldo A, Shaha AR, Ferlito A.  Thyroid and parathyroid surgery in pregnancy.  European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 267:1825-1835, 2010.
  • Calderon Y, Cowan E, Nickerson J, Matthew S, Fettig J, Rosenberg M, Brusalis C, Chou K, Leider J.  Educational effectiveness of an HIV pre-test video designed for adolescents: a randomized controlled trial.  Pediatrics 127:911-916, 2011.
  • Birmingham MC, Chou KJ, Crain EF.  Screening for postpartum depression in a pediatric emergency department.  Pediatric Emergency Care 27:795-800, 2011.
  • Uppal A, Chou KJ.   Screening adolescents for sexually transmitted infections in the pediatric emergency department.  Pediatric Emergency Care 31:20-24, 2015.
  • Wojewoda E, Chou KJ.  Factors Associated with Dispensing Dosage Delivery Devices.  Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 22:251-255, 2017.

Book Chapters

  • Ciorciari AJ, Chamdawala H, Chou KJ.  Environmental emergencies.  In:  Gershel JC, Crain EF, Cunningham SJ, Meltzer JA (eds).  Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018.
  • Blumberg SM, Nguyen V, Chou, KJ.  Ingestions.  In:  Gershel JC, Crain EF, Cunningham SJ, Meltzer JA (eds).  Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018.
  • Kunkov S, Meltzer JM, Chou KJ.  Orthopedic emergencies. In:  Gershel JC, Crain EF, Cunningham SJ, Meltzer JA (eds).  Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018.
  • Cunningham SJ, Chou KJ, Kennedy RM.  Sedation and analgesia.  In:  Gershel JC, Crain EF, Cunningham SJ, Meltzer JA (eds).  Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018.

Abstracts and Presentations

  • Chou KJ, Cunningham SJ, Crain EF:  Metered Dose Inhalers with Spacers vs Nebulizers for Bronchodilator Therapy in a Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Presented at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1993, and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 1993)
  • Chou KJ, Fisher JL, Crain EF:  Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Children.  (Presented at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1996)
  • Delgado A, Chou KJ, Crain EF:  Nebulizers vs Metered-Dose Inhalers with Spacers for Bronchodilator Therapy in a Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Presented at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1996)
  • Avner JR, Khine H, Chou KJ, et al:  Making a Conscious Decision about Sedation in the Outpatient Setting.  (Workshop presentation at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1996)
  • Chou KJ, Khine H, Avner JR, et al:  Dispelling Dogma:  Are We Teaching Residents to Manage Patients by Rote or Reason?  (Workshop presentation at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1997)
  • Suecoff SA, Avner JR, Chou KJ, Crain EF:  Playground Hazards:  Are Children Living in Low Income Neighborhoods Exposed to More Hazards?  (Poster presentation at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1997)
  • Lupica M, Chou KJ, Silver EJ, Crain EF:  Clinical Predictors of Intracranial Injury in Head Trauma Children-The Utility of Computer Tomography.  (Poster presentation at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2002)
  • Kotzampaltiris P, Chou KJ, Mulé F, Whitney JS, Crain EF:  Is an Abnormal Cranial Rhythmic Impulse Related to the Development of Colic?  (Presented at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004)
  • Birmingham M, Chou KJ, Crain EF:  Screening for Postpartum Depression in the Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Poster presentation at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 2008)
  • Uppal A, Chou K, Crain EF:  Feasibility of STI Screening in Adolescents in the Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April, 2011)
  • Uppal A, Chou K, Crain EF:  Identifying Adolescents at Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May, 2011)
  • Wojewoda E, Chou KJ:  Identifying Factors Associated with Dispensing Dosage Delivery Devices.  (Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 2013)
  • Fernando A, Romo N, Chou KJ:  Screening for Violence in a Pediatric Emergency Department.  (Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2016)
  • Maloney M, Schneider C, Chamdawalla H, Chou KJ:  Use of Immediate Feedback Mannequins on the Acquisition and Retention of BLS Skills Among First Year Residents.  (Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May, 2019)