Faculty Profile
Gabriele S. DeVos, MD
Phone: 718-918-6087
E-mail: gabriele.devos@nychhc.org
Dr. de Vos is an Assistant Professor of Medicine (Allergy and Immunology) and attending physician for both adult and pediatric allergy and immunology at Jacobi Medical Center. Additionally. Her clinical interests range from allergic respiratory and skin diseases to food allergy and anaphylaxis, with a particular focus on complex causes of hypersensitivity disorders. Dr. DeVos was awarded the 2008 Young Investigator Award from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and received the Career Development Award from the Institute of Clinical and Translational Research of Einstein after completion of the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) in 2009.
Medical School:
Technical University, Munich, Germany
- Residency Training: Internal Medicine, Jacobi Medical Center
- Fellowship Training: Allergy and Immunology, Montefiore Medical Center
- Master of Clinical Sciences: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- DeVos G. Skin Testing Versus Serum-Specific IgE Testing: Which Is Better for Diagnosing Aeroallergen Sensitization and Predicting Clinical Allergy? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2014 May;14(5) (Invited Review)
- DeVos G, Nazari R, Ferastraoaru D, Parikh P, Geliebter R, Pichardo Y, Wiznia A, Rosenstreich D. Discordance between aeroallergen specific serum IgE and skin testing in children younger than 4 years.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Jun;110(6):438-43
- DeVos G, Shankar V, Nazari R, Kooragayalu S, Smith M, Wiznia A, Rosenstreich D. Fear of repeated injections in children < 4 years of age receiving subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2012 Dec;109(6):465-9
- Collins J, DeVos G, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis treated successfully for one year with omalizumab. J Asthma Allergy. 2012;5:65-70
- Jerschow E, McGinn AP, DeVos G, Vernon N, Jariwala S, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Dichlorophenol-containing pesticides and allergies: results from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012 Dec;109(6):420-5
- DeVos G, Kravvariti E, Collins J, Tavdy A, Nazari R, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Increased Allergic Sensitization to Mugwort in Chronic Urticaria. Dermatology. 2012;225(2):141-6
- DeVos G, Milush JM, Aaron J, Pichardo Y, York VA, Nazari R, Rosenstreich D, Nixon DF, Wiznia A. Peripheral CD8+ T-cell levels are decreased in atopic wheezing children aged less than 4 years. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2012;22(6):442-4
- Jariwala S, Vernon N, DeVos G; A Novel Method of Desensitization for Fluconazole Hypersensitivity in a patient with AIDS, Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 2011 Jun;106(6):542
- Jariwala S, de Asis L, Fodeman J, Hudes G, DeVos G; David Rosenstreich, MD; The Urticaria Severity Score - A Sensitive Questionnaire/Index for Monitoring Response to Therapy in Chronic Urticaria. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 2009 Jun;102(6):475-82
- DeVos G, Abotaga S, Liao Z, Jerschow E, Rosenstreich D. Selective effect of mercury on Th2-type cytokine production in humans. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2007;29(3-4):537-48
- Jerschow E, DeVos G, Hudes G, Rubinstein A, Lipsitz E, Rosenstreich D. A case of common variable immunodeficiency syndrome associated with Takayasu arteritis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2007 Feb;98:196-199
- Schaeffer M., Schneiderbauer M., Weidler S., Tavares R., Warmuth M., DeVos G., Hallek M.: Signaling through a novel Domain of gp 130 mediates Cell Proliferation and Activation of Hck and ERK Kinases. Molecular and Cell Biology, 2001 Dec;21(23):8068-81
- Hallek M., Neumann C., Schaeffer M., Danhauser-Riedl S., von Bubnoff N., DeVos G., Druker B.J., Yasukawa K., Griffin J.D., Emmerich B.: Signal Transduction of Interleukin-6 involves tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cytosolic proteins and activation of Src-family Kinases Fyn, Hck and Lyn in multiple myeloma cell lines. Experimental Haematology 1997 Dec;25(13):1367-77.
Textbook Contributions:
- DeVos G, Rosenstreich D. “Immunologic disorders of the Larynx”, in “The Larynx”, 3rd edition, edited by Marvin Fried and Alfio Ferlito, Plural Publishing, 2009
- Rosenstreich D., Jerschow E., Parikh P., DeVos G. “Evaluation and diagnostic testing of allergic rhinitis”, in “Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology, edited by M. Fried and Tabaee”, JP Medical Publishers, to appear 2015
- DeVos G., Jones J. “Skin testing and laboratory evaluation of hypersensitivity disorders”, in “Manual of Allergy and Immunology for Otolaryngologists”, edited by D. Rosenstreich, M. Fried, G. de Vos, A. Jackman, Plural Publishing, to appear in 2015/2016
Recent Abstracts:
- Ferastraoaru F., Shtessel M., DeVos G. Comparison Between Intradermal Skin Testing And Serum Specific Immunoglobulin E In Detecting Allergic Sensitization In Patients With Negative Skin Prick Tests, immunotherapy. Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2015
- Richler, A. L.; Jorge , Y.; Pichardo , Y.; Polanco , P.; Achar , K.; Nazari , R.; DeVos , G. Association Between Mouse and Cockroach Skin Prick Test, Serum Specific IgE, Environmental Exposure and
- Asthma Morbidity in Atopic Children
- Multiple press releases related to this study including www.thelancet.com/respiratory Published online November 17, 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(14)70279-6
- Achar K, Pichardo Y, Wiznia A, Rosenstreich D, DeVos G. Longitudinal Trends Of Food and Environmental Allergen-Specific IgE In Asthmatic Inner-City Children < 4 Years Of Age. Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2014, San Diego
- Jorge Y, Pichardo Y, Zheng X, Adames J, Wiznia A, Rosenstreich D, DeVos G. Improvement in quality of life in parents of asthmatic children aged < 4 years receiving subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2014
- Danielle S. Seiden, Jayeon Lee, Gabriele DeVos, Jennifer S. Collins The Incidence of Systemic Allergic Reaction During Subcutaneous and Cluster Immunotherapy: A Retrospective Chart Review Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, February 2013, San Antonio, Texas
- Epstein R, Pichardo Y, Nazari R, Chin M, Wiznia A, Rosenstreich D, DeVos G. Safety of Subcutaneous Allergy Immunotherapy in Children < 4 Years of Age with Recurrent Wheeze. Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, (Oral presentation) November 2012
- Kooragayalu S., Milush J, Aaron J, Pichardo Y, Nazari R, Nixon D, Wiznia A, DeVos G. Effect Of Inhaled Steroids And Montelukast On Peripheral Blood T-Cell Sub-Types In Young Atopic Children At Risk For Asthma. Meeting of the American Thoracic Society, May 2012, San Francisco
- Parikh P, Ferastraoaru D, Nazari D, Pichardo Y, Chin M, Kooragayalu S, DeVos G. Discordance between Skin Prick Test and Allergen Specific Serum IgE in Children Less than Four Years Old. Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2012, Orlando
- DeVos G, Milush J, Aaron J, Pichardo Y, Nazari R, Chin M, Serebrisky D, Rosenstreich D, Nixon D, Wiznia A. A decrease in peripheral CD3+CD8+ T-cells is significantly associated with atopy, wheezing and increased IgE levels in young children. Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2011, San Francisco
- Collins JS, Rosenstreich D, DeVos G. Increased Pollen Sensitization in Patients with Chronic Urticaria. Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, March 2009, Washington DC